Friday, June 5, 2009

first workshop

Held the first of the three MAH workshops today.

A fairly large audience attended the tour, and I thought my presentation went well. There were probably 30 people there.

A smaller group stayed and we made and sampled pplumpiñon, which is still in the cuisinart in the greenhouse. I'll just leave it there, I suppose, take it away later tonight during the opening.

I'm afraid my video will be crap, but I did shoot the workshop. I can't figure out how to make the camera meter for light other than where it is situated, so with the camera in the shade and me in the sun, it's pretty washed out.

We shall see.

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About Me

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Lindsay Kelley is an artist and writer researching bioart, fringe foods, and uncommon modes of food preparation and ingestion. She is currently completing her book manuscript, The Bioart Kitchen. Lindsay holds a MFA in Digital Art & New Media and a Ph.D in the History of Consciousness, both from the University of California Santa Cruz. She works at the Public Library of Science on the PLOS ONE editorial team.