Thursday, June 4, 2009


I have made some changes in the installation.

I added two low shelves, which now contain piñon seedlings and blending tools.

I also added a landscape to the back wall, which I think adds a lot to the installation, although I meant for the edges to register with the landscape already in place and for some reason I was WAY off on that.

I've also updated the website with my recently-confirmed schedule of events. There is now an exhibition page, and links to the videos (cookies, liquid food, plumpiñon).

I want to add a recipe box, but I cannot for the life of me find one in the appropriate size (4 x 6--you'd think that would be common!). I've checked three stores. Will try BB&B tomorrow as a last resort...

eta: tried domus and sur la table. no dice...

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About Me

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Lindsay Kelley is an artist and writer researching bioart, fringe foods, and uncommon modes of food preparation and ingestion. She is currently completing her book manuscript, The Bioart Kitchen. Lindsay holds a MFA in Digital Art & New Media and a Ph.D in the History of Consciousness, both from the University of California Santa Cruz. She works at the Public Library of Science on the PLOS ONE editorial team.