Sunday, November 18, 2012

Family tree quest

via Plumpiñon, I have met some of my extended family! I'm thrilled by this--I couldn't think of a better way for the work to have traveled and returned. I'm writing this from London, where I am organizing a symposium for PLOS next week. Tomorrow: Kew Gardens, most fecund & rich edible & postcolonial territory.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bridal Hunger

How did I miss this??? Bridal Hunger Games and its aftermath via Maria Gould, of Meatpapers and PLOS... I'm in the final stages of scheduling a liquid food tasting event at the Jackman Humanities Institute at University of Toronto...more anon...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rural Alchemy Workshop covers the Multispecies Meal at Goddard College

R.A.W. wrote up the Multispecies Meal!

Multispecies Picnic-goers also had the opportunity to sample Lindsay Kelley’s Plumpinon, tearing with teeth into one of the bright-colored, recycled plastic bags that contain Kelley’s latest Starvation Seeds recipe. Plumpinon is a nut paste in which the artist employs the traditional “starvation nut” of her native New Mexico as a means to interrogate Nutriset’s patented humanitarian aid food, Plumpy’nut. Many who tasted the Plumpinon were pleasantly surprised to discover that an erudite and thought-provoking microbiopolitical intervention could taste so damn good.

Thanks for being there, eating, and writing, R.A.W.!

About Me

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Lindsay Kelley is an artist and writer researching bioart, fringe foods, and uncommon modes of food preparation and ingestion. She is currently completing her book manuscript, The Bioart Kitchen. Lindsay holds a MFA in Digital Art & New Media and a Ph.D in the History of Consciousness, both from the University of California Santa Cruz. She works at the Public Library of Science on the PLOS ONE editorial team.